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Archive for June, 2009

Sunscreen Redux: Sunscreen Against The Machine

Posted by wmagnus On June - 29 - 20092 COMMENTS

solarflareToday is predicted to be the hottest day yet this year here in Las Vegas. Weathermen are promising 106°F, that’s 41°C for our metric friends. That means it is a good day to stay inside. Summer in the desert is like that.

Regardless of whether you live in the desert, sunscreen is a vital part of aging against the machine. We have talked about sunscreen before, but a day like to brings the need for sun protection into sharp focus. Sunscreen protects skin not only from direct DNA damage but also from less direct photodamage to the connective tissue that gives skin it’s full youthful appearance. Using sunscreen makes not only good health sense but can help keep you looking younger longer. Read the rest of this entry »

The Mediterranean Diet Redux

Posted by bmagnus On June - 26 - 20092 COMMENTS

meddietOver the years, there has been a lot said about the “Mediterranean Diet.” In short, people who eat like the modern-day Greeks or coastal Italians — lots of vegetables, some olive oil, relatively little meat and meat products, moderate wine consumption — tend to live longer. Researchers have recently completed a study of 23,000 people in Greece over the course of a decade to find out what they are doing right, and the results have just been published in this weeks British Medical Journal (BMJ).

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Folate and Vitamin B12 Reduce Cervical Cancer Risk

Posted by bmagnus On June - 24 - 20091 COMMENT

Researchers have long known that cervical dysplasia — a condition that can lead to cancer 66% of the time — is often associated with low levels of B vitamins, particularly folate (folic acid) and B12. A new study asked the obvious question:  if women supplement with folate and B12, does their cancer risk drop?

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Green Tea Slows Prostate Cancer

Posted by bmagnus On June - 22 - 20091 COMMENT

Yet one more benefit of drinking green tea is slowing down prostate cancer. Research has already shown that green tea can help prevent heart disease, improve cholesterol levels (in test animals), help people lose weight, and perhaps even benefit Parkinsons and Alzheimers patients.

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Why Diets Fail

Posted by bmagnus On June - 19 - 20092 COMMENTS

There are a lot of reasons that people think diets don’t work. While we plan on exploring these ideas in depth over time, here’s the top 10 culprits. Read the rest of this entry »