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Sunscreen Redux: Sunscreen Against The Machine

Posted by wmagnus On June - 29 - 2009

solarflareToday is predicted to be the hottest day yet this year here in Las Vegas. Weathermen are promising 106°F, that’s 41°C for our metric friends. That means it is a good day to stay inside. Summer in the desert is like that.

Regardless of whether you live in the desert, sunscreen is a vital part of aging against the machine. We have talked about sunscreen before, but a day like to brings the need for sun protection into sharp focus. Sunscreen protects skin not only from direct DNA damage but also from less direct photodamage to the connective tissue that gives skin it’s full youthful appearance. Using sunscreen makes not only good health sense but can help keep you looking younger longer.

Sunscreen shouldn’t be complicated, but it seems to have gotten to be that way. There are two conflicting standards for SPF (sun protection factor), the American and European standard and the numbers differ by a factor of 2. That certainly isn’t helpful for people who travel. Ultimately, regardless of standard choosing something with an SPF of 25 or higher is a good bet for decent protection.

Unfortunately, that’s not quite enough. There are other issues to consider, like the ingredients in sunscreens. Many sunscreens don’t do a good job of protecting against both kinds of ultraviolet light (UVA & UVB) and that can leave skin somewhat unprotected against both photoaging and DNA damage from UV. Ingredients to look for include titanium dioxide or zinc oxide or avobenzone to maximize the UVA protection.

So what to pick? I’m not particularly choosy about body coverage but I have some definite biases when it comes to facial protection. A facial sunscreen needs be light enough for eary coverage, not block pores and be generally good for all day normal wear. Reapplication if you sweat or swim is another matter, but at least start with a good base.

Eucerin Everyday Facial Protection Lotion is an economical option. The product is light and goes on smooth. It has almost no odor which is great for men or women. Best of all it contains both zinc oxide and titanium dioxide among its active ingredients.

Regardless of what you choose, it is important to remember to be consistent and use sunscreen daily. It doesn’t work if you don’t apply it. It does matter because even that quick run from the car to the office and mean some serious UV exposure at high summer.

Bonus Link: Amazing amounts of additional info on sunscreen, sun protection and skin cancer can be found at the Skin Cancer Foundation.

2 Responses to “Sunscreen Redux: Sunscreen Against The Machine”

  1. […] grow old gracefully depends partly on your lifestyle and partly on these genes.” Things like sunscreen will still play an important role in looking good as we get older. After all, “Research […]

  2. Seiko says:

    […] grow old gracefully depends partly on your lifestyle and partly on these genes.” Things like sunscreen will still play an important role in looking good as we get older. After all, “Research […];. All the best!!